Thursday, June 9, 2011

Happy 10th Anniversary

I cannot believe that my stud muffin and I have been married for 10 years!  It seems like yesterday that I met the love of my life at WVU.  We were both pre-vet majors and we had several classes together.  I remember seeing Tim for the 1st time in our Animal Physiology class.  He was so cute and I was to shy to even speak to him.  We also had Physiology lab together.  Tim would  wear these wife beater shirts and the boy was good looken!  His abs were cut, his shoulders and arms were nice.  Tim was definitely my eye candy during class, it's no wonder that I didn't learn anything in that class. 
It wasn't until the end of the fall semester that I got the courage to speak to him.  By the spring semester, we had become pretty good friends.  We became competitive in our classes, which was a lot of fun.  My grades improved, Tim's grades went down.  Tim just didn't have any fun in college until he met me!  I'm just kidding!  Not! 
    13 years later, we are celebrating our 10th wedding anniversary.  Wow!  In 10 years we have been through medical school and residency.  (That was the TOUGHEST time we have ever had to experience)  I was a substitute teacher, gymnastics coach and helped with cheerleading.  We had moved from Morgantown to Renick to Wheeling and back to Renick.  We survived Mexico, don't know how, but we did!  During this time, we had been given 3 wonderful gifts from God:  Gavin, Autumn and Ethan.  They have forever changed our lives.  
I want to wish my stud muffin a Very Happy 10th Anniversary!!!!  I love you!!!